One sure fire way of doubling your money is to fold it over once and put it back in your pocket - making the Flip wallets a smart little investment. Made from soft calf leather, and all stitched card seams - making them last twice as long (anecdotal evidence only).
- Thick elastic, which unbeknownst to most will ensure your Flip stays in shape and keeps grabbing your cash for years to come
- Multiplication and equal signs on either panel
- 102 mm x 70 mm x 8 mm
Status Anxiety is super conscious that their leathers are ethically sourced and as sustainable as possible in the way they're processed. The leathers are a bi-product of the food industry and are sourced only from countries with strict ethical production standards.
They personally visit their manufacturers every year to ensure safe, fair work conditions and strict environmental controls go hand in hand with their well-established leather craftsmanship.